A Tale of Two Truckers is about two drivers who couldn’t be more different from each other. One makes money, the other does not. One listens to dispatch, the other one doesn’t, and pays dearly for it.
Both clients have signed up with our truck dispatch service at about the same time. One trucker is experienced but doesn’t understand the market, and the other one is a newer carrier but knows a good thing when presented.
The under-performing dispatch client doesn’t listen to the dispatchers who work with the freight markets on a daily basis and are looking out for his best interests. He continues to ask for loads going to Miami, different parts of Arizona, as well as other warm climates. He goes to Florida for under $2.00 and takes a long run out of Miami for $0.94/mi and then wonders why he’s not making money.
The other carrier, is a different story. He listens to dispatch and hits and beats his gross target every time. As of this writing he’s averaging all miles at over $2.30/mi for the week and is at over a $1,000/day in gross running OTR. He’s over $7,000 a week and that’s running normal miles and fully ELD compliant. He’s not doing anything special and is not running himself ragged. It pays to listen to dispatch. It pays very well.
Here’s the thing guys, you have to trust your dispatchers. Our truck dispatchers are experienced. They know the freight markets, they know where they’re sending you and why. They know pricing, seasonality, freight market dynamics, and how to talk with brokers. They increase the rates, they book loads knowing in advance what they’re planning on doing tomorrow. Isn’t this the reason why you got yourself a dispatcher? To make your life easier and your miles more profitable?
The first trucker won’t hit his target until he begins to listen to his dispatchers. He needs to understand that while Miami might be nice and toasty when it comes to weather, the freight market in Miami isn’t good. Carriers like this may need to re-evaluate why they got into trucking in the first place? Are you looking to travel to warm parts of the country in the winter months or are you looking to make money?
The second trucker who is new to the industry and trusts his dispatchers to look out for him and his best interests, is running a profitable trucking business. He’s a happy owner operator. He knows that he can soon take a break and go on vacation to Miami and enjoy his time. He’ll have money in his pockets and will enjoy real time off outside of his truck. From experience, I can tell you that it’s these types of truckers who eventually grow their fleets and stop driving trucks themselves. They hire employees and contractors. They make serious money and are the types of dispatch clients we love to work with.
Now, if you’re a hard working truck owner operator and want to make the kind of money I mention above, and are willing to listen to dispatch, then watch the video below and click the link to get started with our truck dispatch service. We’re not here to push anything onto you. We’re here to work hard on our end so you don’t have to. You still need to drive the truck and safely deliver the load. We can’t take that away. What we can do is make your life as an independent owner operator a whole lot easier.
Our dispatchers work hard scouring the load boards and email lists, make hundreds of phone calls, and negotiate with brokers, shippers, 3PLs, and Freight-Forwarders daily. They’re up at the crack of dawn with coffee in hand, looking for your next hot load. We handle the paperwork, we call your insurance and make the certificates, we take care of the packets, and once you’ve delivered the load and sent us the PODs, we even handle the billing and invoicing whether you’re waiting NET30 or working with a factor.
The right dispatcher makes the biggest difference. A great truck dispatch service will make a troubled business great again. Unfortunately there’s nothing a dispatcher can do to make a trucker work when he doesn’t want to. It’s like that old saying about bringing a horse to the water but being unable to make the horse drink. Well, our dispatchers bring the water to the horse and unfortunately some horses won’t drink even then. In the trucking industry, such horses end up dying from dehydration. We love horses and we love truckers. We want them both to live happy, and prosperous lives. All we ask is that they drink the water. It’s good for them.
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